PIGNOLO has blasted us into another new dimension. The FIFTH to be precise.

In our quest to discover the furthest reaches of this Friulian natives universe, our 5th BLIND Tasting bears witness to a remarkable 11 new entries.

Let’s quickly turn the clock back to March 2017 and PIGNOLO 4D.

As our fourth blind encounter, we signed off on an amazing total of 44 winery’s. And we were pretty sure that we’d uncovered them all. But the more we dig, unbelievably the more treasures we continue to unearth.

With 11 New Entries, the dimensional shift brings us to the sofar* previously unimagined total of 55 producers. We highlight sofar* because we reserve the right to discover MORE :)

Returning to PIGNOLO 5D, the legendary showroom doors of MOROSO opened once more to assess the cratfsmanship of the following 11 vignerons:

* Accordini – Campeglio (near Cividale)
* Arcania – Rive D’Arcano (vineyard located at Campeglio near Cividale)
* Benincasa – Spessa di Cividale
* Bressan – Farra D’Isonzo
* Casasola – Rosazzo
* Cormòns – Cormons (Vineyard located near Prepotto)
* Ca’Tullio – Aquileia (vineyard located near Manzano)
* Guerra Albano – Torreano (near Cividale)
* Lis Aganis – Dolegna del Collio
* Stroppolatini – Gagliano (near Cividale)
* Vie D’Alt – Craoretto near Prepotto

The 5D Vintages on show were generally amongst the youngest we’ve tasted up to this point, including a first showing for 2014 (1) and 2013 (2). The most represented vintage on this occasion was 2012 (5) with two from 2009. We also had the oldest vintage in the five tastings thus far with an exceptional PIGNOL 2001 from Bressan.

Indeed this 5th selection threw up quite a discernible insight regarding the 2012 vintage. During our 3D tasting at the end of 2016, on the table we had only three #V12 PIGNOLO releases. At that time, the majority of the tasting panel considered them to be very young suggesting they’d been released to the market a little too soon.

12 months later, it’s the end of 2017 and we’re now beginning to see what a difference another year makes in terms of PIGNOLO. And particularly the 2012’s. Curiously at the end of 5D, it was two of the new entry #V12’s that had captured the majority vote of the blind tasters. How ’bout that then! None more surprised than the tasters themselves.

Checking the soft data on #V12 and we’ve found it turns out to have been a reasonably favourable vintage, particularly for Friuli’s reds.

A fresh spring followed by a warm summer with rainfall hovering below the average. In particular the stable dry weather leading up to and during harvest meant the reds ripened well, offering winemakers a healthy ripe crop with Quality above the norm. It’s crucial. Having as much hang-time as possible in the vineyard is so important for a variety like PIGNOLO to reach ‘phenolic maturity’.

Makes us think, with circa 60% of producers still to release their V12’s over the next 1-5 years… there appears to be a wave of PIGNOLO promise making it’s way to shore. And that’s without even mentioning anything about any of the other vintages !! NO need for panic, we’ve got that covered… there’s something in the wave machine as we speak.

It’s gotta be said that, nothing would be imaginable, indeed possible, without the creative encouragement and support of both our genial hosts at MOROSO and the caring & professional touch of catering specialists at NIU’. Very special thanks to Christian, Daniele & Romina! Not to forget a special mention also for our blind tasters… you know who you are !! :)

PIGNOLO… something’s goin’ on!

Something’s going on – LAMBCHOP

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