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Articles from this Tag

KARST – Hostile Rock & Soul

The Karst Earth … or should we say Hostile Rock, requires a total hands-on approach, everywhere. If you want to do anything, you have to dig and shift stones. Sommelier, Eros Longhin, kindly does some diggin’ on our behalf :)

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Emilio Bulfon is one of our worlds enduring NATIVEGRAPE HEROES. He’s one of the few who journeyed to the ‘vanishing point’ to recover Friuli’s forgotten bounty. Big descriptor, you say? Yeah well, we save it for the truly worthy.

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Change & Resistance – VinNatur 2019

There comes a time in all our lives when we must face ‘Change and Resistance’. With growing maturity and self-assurance, VinNatur 2019 has faced up and grabbed both by the proverbial horns.

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The Shape of Things to Come?

We recently attended the 2018 vintage technical review presented by the Consorzio Colli Orientali del Friuli. Our immediate overall take is that of a budding new era in the Colli Orientali. The activation of a long-awaited vision.

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