World of Fine Wine Magazine
Issue 75 / March 2022
Book Review
“Pignolo Cultivating the Invisible”

Review by David Schildknecht

“An extravagant exercise in esoterica becomes the most colourful book on wine.”

What a wonderful thrill for Pignolo Cultivating the Invisible to find itself the subject of expert review by the one and only David Schildknecht.

Sincere thanks to David for his kind words, to the World of Fine Wine Magazine for the honour of inclusion in their Issue 75 and also for granting me permission to republish the review in full here. Greatly appreciated.

The World of Fine Wine Magazine is an online platform packed with wide ranging articles to meet the most discerning wine interests. It’s quarterly issue is available in digital download and hard-copy print. Visit their website for details on how to subscribe.
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